EJOLT follows from a previous FP7 project called CEECEC and this book is one of the results of that 2 year long effort by 8 CSOs and 6 universities. This book takes a unique and much-needed bottom-up approach to teaching ecological economics, using case studies that focus on a wide range of internationally relevant topics, to teach the principles, concepts and tools of ecological economics and political ecology. Existing introductory books on ecological economics are oriented toward graduate level students with previous training in economics. They are also organized from first principles with emphasis on theory. This book evolved out of a desire to address the absence of learning materials grounded in real-life situations. As such it is based on the experience of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), with case studies chosen by CSOs and developed collaboratively with leading ecological economists. The case studies are accompanied by a glossary also written with significant CSO input. Ecological Economics from the Ground Up has been designed to be an accessible learning aid for students of the sustainability sciences and for those CSOs that have recognised the value that ecological economics and political ecology tools and methods hold for their research and advocacy work.
Edited by Hali Healy, Joan Martinez-Alier, Leah Temper, Mariana Walter and Julien-François Gerber
For reviews, table of contents, author info and more, click here: Ecological Economics from the Ground Up
The project ENVJUSTICE has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 695446)