Introduction & Background
The Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion is a project that would establish a new pipeline, twinning an existing pipeline from Edmonton, Alberta to Burnaby, British Columbia. This is a controversial project due to: the fact that the pipeline passes through neighbourhoods, communities and residential areas; its proximity to environmentally sensitive areas; its implications for increased tanker traffic on marine waterways; and concerns with regard to plans for the pipeline to transport diluted bitumen.
Kinder Morgan is an American energy company, based in Houston, Texas, it is ranked third largest in North America. The publicly traded Kinder Morgan Group retains assets in both Canada and the United States. Its terminals store and manage energy products including coal, gasoline, natural gas, jet fuel and petroleum coke. Kinder Morgan owns Kinder Morgan Energy Partners which functions as the pipeline division of the energy corporation. These pipelines move natural gas, crude oil and other petroleum products including bitumen, which is more commonly referred to as tar sands oil. Kinder Morgan owns and operates the Trans Mountain oil pipeline, connecting Edmonton, Alberta and Burnaby, British Columbia (BC).
Click here for the factsheet (4 pages):FS_033_Kinder Morgan
The project ENVJUSTICE has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 695446)