A PhD on carbon budget and unburnable fossil fuels reserves.
If carbon capture technology does not prove effective and the needed rapid decarbonisation implies that fossil fuels reserves have to be left unburned, what would be the implications in terms of climate policies? How should this proposal be operationalized and implemented?
In Nature Christophe McGlade and Paul Ekins (2015) at University College London examined the implications of the carbon budget for the use of fossil fuels. This analysis estimates that 88% of global coal reserves, 52% of gas reserves and 35% of oil reserves are unburnable and must be left in the ground. Such precision in the numbers by type of fuels is somewhat questionable, and this research project wants to explore different scenarios.
The contribution from this PhD project is that instead of focusing only on negotiations between countries, it takes a commodity chain perspective: from extraction of fossil fuels to transport to final burning.
Leader: Dr. Federico Demaria
Deadline: 6 February
More info: filter on ICTA-UAB at https://hosts.lacaixafellowships.org/finder?fbclid=IwAR3EehMWg3qwN9vp6P5hyeYfDpwRHuMzbr4AqwMvJIzZQgy4eVaiomHhU50#1
A PhD on women environmental defenders – victims of violence (based on EjAtlas)
The EJAtlas is a global inventory of environmental conflicts that allows to make studies in comparative political ecology on a variety of transversal topics such as the under-researched topic of women victimized in environmental conflicts.
There is a pyramid of violence involving the wounded and the frightened. There is also the “structural violence” of persistent environmental injustices and the “slow violence” of toxic pollution of water sources or the soils. Research starts by a survey of cases already recorded in the EJAtlas and will add some new 30 or 40 cases to the EJAtlas, in geographical areas not yet well covered. A period of fieldwork might be spent in some cases
Preferred area of specialization: Asia, Africa or Brazil.
Leader: Prof. Dr. Joan Martinez-Alier
Deadline: 6 February
More info: filter on ICTA-UAB at https://hosts.lacaixafellowships.org/finder?fbclid=IwAR3EehMWg3qwN9vp6P5hyeYfDpwRHuMzbr4AqwMvJIzZQgy4eVaiomHhU50#1
The project ENVJUSTICE has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 695446)