Mariana Walter is a post-doctoral researcher at the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, Autonomous University of Barcelona (ICTA-UAB). She is an environmental scientist working on ecological economics and political ecology. She is interested in social metabolism, resource extraction conflicts, environmental justice, knowledge co-production and institutional change. Before joining the ENVJUST she was the Scientific Coordinator of the ACKnowl-EJ Project (Academic and Activist Co-production of Knowledge for Environmental Justice), a 3 years project funded by the International Social Science Council. She has published her work in books and journals such as Global Environmental Change, Ecological Economics, Geoforum, Land Use Policy and Local Environment.
More on her publications: https://scholar.google.es/citations?user=CMMbNpkAAAAJ&hl=es
The project ENVJUSTICE has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 695446)