
The 2023 Holberg Lecture, by Joan Martinez-Alier: ‘Land, Water, Air and Freedom’
2023 Laureate Joan Martinez-Alier ‘s Holberg Lecture, ‘Land, Water, Air and Freedom’, is published in full in the Holberg Prize’s website and Youtube with a full description. Find it also …

Latest News: Joan Martinez-Alier Named 2023 Holberg Prize Laureate
The Holberg Prize—one of the largest international prizes awarded annually to an outstanding researcher in the humanities, social sciences, law or theology—named Joan Martinez-Alier as its 2023 Laureate. Joan Martinez-Alier …

Joan Martínez Alier keynote lecture on the 2022 Balzan Prizewinners Announcement
On the occasion of the 2022 Balzan Prizewinners Announcement, Joan Martínez Alier, 2020 Balzan Prize winner for “Environmental Challenges: Responses from the Social Sciences and the Humanities”, gave a keynote …

Extractivist growth and alternatives from below: Why we can’t mine our way out of the climate crisis.
The recorded event session is available now here. On Sunday 7 November 2021 we were part of this event that the Yes to Life, No to Mining Network and allies brought …

Mapping the Mining Impacts of the Energy Transition: Communities Speak Out
Global launch of a new interactive map November 23, 20211pm San Francisco/Vancouver | 4pm Montreal | 6pm Santiago/Buenos AiresFree registration | Facebook Affected communities, researchers, and international civil society organizations collaborate to launch a new Environmental Justice Atlas Interactive …

Webinar: The hidden side of conservation: voices from the ground.
Wildlife and forest conservation policies violate the basic rights of local and indigenous communities that inhabit protected areas, in addition to displacing them and criminalizing their struggles in the name …

A talk by Joan Martinez-Alier: Circularity, Entropy, Ecological Conflicts and “Unburnable Fuels”
Friday 30 April 2021 12:00-13:30 (BST) RSVP for zoom invite: environmentalhistory@sussex.ac.uk Claims for climate justice and reparations for ecological debt have been put forward by environmentalists from the Global South since 1991, together …

2019 Environmental Justice Conference in the UK
The University of East Anglia invites you to the 2019 Environmental Justice Conference ‘Transformative Connections’ to be held at University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK, 2 July – 4 July 2019. The conference is …

A Summer School on Degrowth and Environmental Justice
Making sense by democracy, non-violence, and convivialityJune 24th – July 6th July 2018Barcelona (Spain)/Cerbère (France)The world we see today around us seems increasingly reactionary and conservative. The rise of right …

Environment, Pollution and Health – is China different?
By Mariko Karlsson. If “cancer villages” and pollution related deaths are common in China, it’s not due to ignorance – but due to the lack of power. Political ecologists at …
The project ENVJUSTICE has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 695446)