
The political ecology of oil and gas corporations: the case of TotalEnergies
Browse the conflicts in the EJAtlas linked to the French oil major TotalEnergies analyzed in the research article entitled: “The political ecology of oil and gas companies: TotalEnergies and post-colonial …
Decarbonizing the South. Space, justice and politics at the renewable energy frontiers – Doctoral Thesis
Date: February 2021 By Avila Calero, SofÃa MartÃnez Alier, Joan, dir.Sorman, Alevgul H., dir.Gamboa Jiménez, Gonzalo, dir.Kallis, Giorgos, dir. Abstract Renewable energies are expanding globally due to the increasing concerns over anthropogenic climate change and …

Resistance as governance: Transformative strategies forged on the frontlines of extractivism in Canada
By Jen Gobby, Leah Temper, Matthew Burket and Nicolas von Ellenrieder. From the journal The Extractive Industries and Society, 2021. Article based on the analysis of cases from the EJAtlas. Abstract Attempts in Canada …

Hydropower and Ecological Conflicts. From resistance to transformations
By: Daniela Del Bene.Supervisors: Prof. Joan MartÃnez Alier, Dr. Beatriz RodrÃguez Labajos. Tutor: Prof. Louis LemkowAbstract Hydropower is undergoing a new construction boom globally and is increasingly promoted as a …

Social metabolism, cost-shifting and conflicts. The struggles and services of informal waste recyclers in India
By: Federico Demaria. Supervisors: Dr. Giorgos Kallis, Dr. Joan Martinez Alier, Dr. Giuseppe Munda AbstractThis thesis contributes to our understanding of social metabolism, and more precisely waste in social metabolism. …

Cambios en el metabolismo social y la generación de conflictos socioambientales en el Perú
By: Neyra Soupplet, RaquelSupervisors: Bergua Amores, Jose Angel (dir.), Martìnez Alier, Joan (dir.) Abstract Los numerosos conflictos socio ambientales que vive el Perú son particularmente sangrientos y violentos. Para …
The project ENVJUSTICE has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 695446)