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‘We have a right to breathe clean air’: the emerging environmental justice movement against waste incineration in cement kilns in Spain

By Amaranta Herrero and Mariel Vilella


Waste is increasingly being used as an alternative to conventional fossil fuels in cement kilns worldwide. This has led to the emergence of socio-environmental conflicts in many countries in which local groups articulate a common struggle against the cement industry, a new target within the international anti-incineration movement. This case report aims at characterising this emerging movement against waste incineration in cement kilns in Spain and explores its main four discursive dimensions in relation to the concept of environmental justice. We argue that the movement against waste incineration in cement kilns is incipient and growing in Spain, and it uses a distinctive vocabulary to refer to the environmental justice dimension of the struggle.



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Co-incineration, Local environmental struggles, Socio-environmental conflicts, Waste controversies, Zero waste, Environmental contestation

How to Cite

Herrero, A. & Vilella, M. Sustain Sci (2017).

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