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Metabolism of trade

Mainstream economic science traditionally measures trade flows in terms of money, i.e. exchange values on the market. To overcome the limits of this concept several approaches within ecological economics have …

Multi-criteria assessment (MCA)

Multi-criteria assessment (MCA) is a decision-making tool used to evaluate problems when one is faced with a number of different alternatives and expectations and wants to find the best solutions …

Landscape value

Landscape value corresponds to an attachment or emotional bond that people develop with places. There are strong cultural ties to landscapes and feelings for the visual beauty of mountains, lakes, …

Krutilla’s Rule

Krutilla’s Rule provides an argument in traditional cost-benefit analysis (CBA). When the conservation of amenities of the natural environment is at stake, some economists argue for very low or zero discount …

Geoengineering or Climate Engineering

Geoengineering is the intentional, large-scale technological manipulation of the Earth’s systems. It is also known as Climate Engineering because it is often discussed as a technological solution for combating climate …

Ecologically unequal exchange

The concept of ecologically unequal exchange (or trade) builds on the notion of ‘unequal exchange’ developed by scholars such as Arghiri Emmanuel (1972) and Samir Amin (1976) in the 1960s …

Conservation easement

Conservation Easement is when ownership rights to land are transferred to a private charitable conservation organization or government agency without transferring ownership of the land. The organization or agency then …

Alliance between Environmental Justice and the Degrowth

Flows of energy and materials in the world economy have never been as large as they are today (Krausmann et al. 2009). This increased social metabolism is causing more and …

Accumulation by contamination

The concept of accumulation by contamination emerged to study the dynamics of social metabolism (Martinez-Alier, 2002) and capitalism (Harvey, 2003) through a lens of environmental conflicts (Armiero, 2008). The multidimensional crisis …

Impact of the Kayelekera uranium mine, Malawi

EJOLT Report 21: Impact of the Kayelekera uranium mine, Malawi The report can be downloaded here Abstract In the course of the EJOLT project, the CRIIRAD laboratory conducted in May 2012 radiation monitoring …