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Bulk commodities and preciosities

The increased use of energy and materials in the world economy means that many remote areas around the world have become extractive frontiers from where ‘bulk commodities’ essential to the …

Environmental Kuznets Curve

The Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) is a tool that has been used to observe the impact of affluence on the environment. It is used to model the interrelation between affluence …

Affluence and environmental impact

Affluence relates to the average consumption of each person in the population. A common proxy for measuring consumption is through GDP per capita. While GDP per capita measures production, it …

Social metabolism and accounting tools

The application of the biological concept of metabolism (‘Stoffwechsel’) to social systems can be traced back to Marx who, influenced by Liebig and Moleschott, talked about the ‘metabolism between man …

Complexity disasters

(a) Breakdown of institutional structures (loss of stabilizing and reorganizing capacity) The vast literature on resilience has argued that socio-ecological systems in general retain varying capacities to ‘absorb disturbance and reorganise …

Policy instruments for sustainability

Economic, regulatory and voluntary instruments Governments can act through different public policy instruments in order to support behavioural change towards sustainability. Instruments can vary according to the degree of public intervention: …

Mining conflicts around the world. Common grounds from an Environmental Justice perspective

Ejolt Report 7: Mining conflicts around the world. Common grounds from an Environmental Justice perspective The low resolution report can be downloaded here. The high resolution report can be downloaded here. Abstract This report aims …

Mining conflicts around the world: Common grounds from an Environmental Justice perspective

While world population increased 72 percent between 1970 and 2004, extraction of construction materials grew by 106 percent. Going beyond the buzz about decoupling the economy from natural resources use, …

Alf Hornborg: ecolog. unequal exchange

In this 2th part of his talk with Firoze Manji, Alf talks about the ‘fetisjization’ of technology while also explaining why he makes exceptions to his fundamental technology critique for …

Alf Hornborg: land vs. money valuation

Professor Alf Hornborg is best known for his understanding on the concept of ‘ecological unequal exchange’. He talks on alternative value measurements compared to paper money. “When the UK, in …