Making sense by democracy, non-violence, and conviviality
June 24th – July 6th July 2018
Barcelona (Spain)/Cerbère (France)
The world we see today around us seems increasingly reactionary and conservative. The rise of right wing parties across the globe disfavours the spaces for civil society’s proposal for radical change. Basic human rights are curtailed as violence, racism and xenophobia emerge under different forms. Defenders of livelihoods, land and environments, culture and traditions face violent repercussions both in the South and in the North.
Yet we also observe the strengthening of Degrowth as intellectual and practical attempt to re-politicize the debate on the much-needed socio-ecological transformation. Simplicity, conviviality and sharing are principles in multiple initiatives that, in their diversity, converge in seeking just environments. More and more allies from eco-feminist, anti-capitalist and other social movements help us engage in mutual learning. The scientific literature on Degrowth keeps expanding.
As we advance towards a vision of societies living in just environments, within their ecological means and distribute resources more equally through new forms of democratic institutions, we cannot obviate the alarming backdrop. The fifth edition of the Summer School on Degrowth and Environmental Justice responds to this burning challenge by disseminating cutting-edge research on degrowth and environmental justice focused on:
- How can communities that centre on sustaining life in non-violent, democratic, autonomous and convivial ways flourish under the hegemony of imposing powers that strive for economic growth?
- How to articulate stable collaborations between activists and researchers for mutual learning on radical socio-ecological transformations?
The school will focus on three primary aspects- the challenges, the proposals and the processes. Lectures and workshops will help in theorizing the challenges, understanding grassroots environmental justice activism and the politics of degrowth will be the entry point into the proposals and working in small groups with more collaboration and understanding academic-activist engagement for creating a better community will help in discovering the processes.
The summer school is designated for academics as well as for activist-researchers from multiple disciplines and diverse geographical backgrounds. We welcome applications from Masters students, doctoral and post-doctoral researchers and community defenders and local activists from across the world. Deadline for applications is March 1, 2018. Please send a single pdf document with your CV and a motivation letter of maximum one page explaining (a) your personal or professional engagement in degrowth and/or environmental justice and (b) your future plans after attending the summer school to degrowthsummerschool [at] gmail.com. The pdf document should be titled as your Surname_Name.
The selection of participants will be announced by the March 15, 2018.
For quests regarding the logistics please contact degrowthsummerschool [@] gmail.com, and for questions about contents, please email to Beatriz Rodríguez Labajos (beatriz.rodriguez {at} uab.cat) or Brototi Roy (brototi.econ {at} gmail.com).
We aim at having 35-40 participants from a diversity of geographical regions and academic disciplines. Once selected you are expected to present your research and/or project through a poster tour at the beginning of the course, and to present an assignment within a small group at the end of the school. More information on presentations, reading material and assignments will come after your acceptance.
Registration fees
The participation fee consists of:
- 200€ standard fee,
- 300€ solidarity fee – for participants coming with the economic support of an institution or having a regular income,
- 2 or 3 fee-wavers will be provided for participants who cannot afford the fee.
If you cannot afford the fee of the summer school, fully or partially, please contact degrowthsummerschool [at] gmail.com to find a solution. We try our best to grant equal possibilities of participation to everybody.
For more information visit https://summerschool.degrowth.org/2018/01/22/application-2018/
The project ENVJUSTICE has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 695446)