Starting on 1 October 2018, maximum 35 students will get the opportunity to follow classes given in Barcelona and in English from top scientists on these topics. The impressive line-up of teachers includes EnvJustice team members Joan Martinerz-Alier, Federico Demaria, Daniela Del Bene, Georgios Kallis and Arnim Scheidel.
This is the first Master of its kind, and one of the first all in the world in the flourishing field of Political Ecology. The Master builds on a successful 7-year series of international Summer Schools on Environmental Justice and Degrowth, two ongoing European Research Council projects on global in which the Atlas of environmental justice has been created (https://ejatlas.org/ )- and urban environmental justice. And it benefits from the several top researchers that are currently working at ICTA (the Institute for Environmental Studies and Technology) and R&D (Research and Degrowth) in Barcelona, the two institutes co-organizing this program.
We live in an era of growing inequalities, poverty and environmental disasters. Environmental and social problems are inter-related. Environmental problems have political causes and political solutions they are a matter of power and inequality. Addressing climate change calls for system change our program offers the knowledge and tools for thinking and bringing forward such system change. We aspire to train the next generation of environmental justice activists, engaged civil servants, and entrepreneurs of the new cooperative economy those who will put in action the best ideas for creating a society that is fair, enjoyable and ecologically sustainable.
All the information on this master course is here:
The project ENVJUSTICE has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 695446)