By Nick Meynen.
Saturday 21 May is the 3rd international day of action against Chevron. At this occasion, a new map with 30 conflicts between Chevron and different communities all over the world is launched at the Atlas of Environmental Justice (EJAtlas).
The reasons for organising this day and making this map are given by the affected communities themselves. “The AntiChevron Day represents for us an opportunity to demonstrate the reality experienced by people who are subjected to the abuses of corporate power, to the weakness of nation states before this same power and to the structure of global impunity.” The communities remind us that Chevron is considered the most opaque corporation in the world, which has been able to create structures for evading justice. Chevron is also recognized as one of the most climate polluting, one of the most irresponsible and one of the most deceitful corporations on this planet. The international Anti-Chevron day will be celebrated with a range of events in many different countries.
Daniela Del Bene, project manager for the Atlas of Environmental Justice at UAB said: “Chevron systematically applies the ‘Polluter does not Pay Principle’. Communities faced with the consequences have worked together with lawyers and NGOs to make this map of Chevron conflicts. Apart from demanding reparation and justice, the communities also want to highlight why the global economy needs to break free from fossil fuels.”
As we already wrote last week, the struggles of the communities directly affected by the fossil fuel industry and the struggles of the break free from fossil fuel activists may differ in nature but what is more important is that they are natural allies of each other. When these struggles come together and scale up, Big Oil could be in Big Trouble.
More info
The interactive map was developed by the EJAtlas team and the ACKnowl-EJ project at ICTA (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona), A SUD – Ecologia e Cooperazione Onlus, CDCA (Centro di Documentazione sui Conflitti Ambientali), and UDAPT (Unión de Afectados por Texaco-Ecuador).
The Chevron conflict map has a space for comments, where anyone can make suggestions for improving the map further.
Follow the events on 21 May by looking for these hashtags:
Learn about the organisers of the anti-Chevron day (Spanish only):
The project ENVJUSTICE has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 695446)