Project News

NEW Thematic Map – Losing ground: How are India’s conservation efforts putting the local communities in peril?
By Eleonora Fanari. Biodiversity around the world is decreasing at an alarming rate. We are currently facing a ‘sixth mass extinction’ and governments and international bodies are planning to take action. The …

EJOLT conference on environmental justice: the report
After 4 years of work by around 100 people in over 30 countries, the EJOLT conference on environmental justice showed what the international project on Environmental Justice Organisations, Liabilities and …

Global Atlas of Environmental Justice re-launches website tracking ecological conflicts globally
PRESS RELEASE. Brussels, Tuesday 3 March. New platform integrates geo-spatial data to present conflicts in context and expands its coverage The EJOLT project launches today a new phase of the Global Atlas …

The difference that EJOLT has made
Dear EJOLT fan As we approach the end of the EJOLT project we like to introduce you to each other and look back to some of our highlights. There are 200.000 …

A legal guide for communities seeking environmental justice
How can Environmental Justice Organisations (EJOs), local communities or citizens make justice happen? What are the rules, tools and opportunities to fight back against environmental injustice? The report “A legal …


Crude Justice & Ecocide in the Niger Delta
By Leah Temper. Oil permeates our existence. From water bottles, plastics, fuels and paints to fertilizers, fabrics and solvents. Yet despite its ubiquity, the reality of the infrastructure behind oil extraction …

EJOLT Report 4: Legal avenues for EJOs to claim environmental liability
From oil drilling disasters at the equator to climate change effects on the North Pole and from uranium mining in the desert to the dumping of toxic waste on the …

Thyssen-Krup Steel Company tries to silence EJOLT partner with a slapp suit
Researchers from EJOLT partner Fiocruz are being sued for evaluating impacts caused by ThyssenKrupp Atlantic Steel Company in Santa Cruz, Brazil. Please sign this declaration of support, send an email with your …
General News
Environmentalism under Fire
By Burag Gurden. Similar writings by Burag Gurden have recently been published in the Ecologist and several other blogs and media. This article refers to all writings by the same …

Download Full Movie Underworld: Blood Wars (2016) English Subtitle
Underworld: Blood Wars (2016) Full Movie Online Watch Free , English Subtitles Full HD, Free Movies Streaming , Free Latest Films. Quality : HD Title : Underworld: Blood Wars. Director : Anna …

Could ecocide become the fifth crime against peace in the Rome Statute?
By Tjitske Lingsma.“The rainforest is our supermarket, our hospital, pharmacy, our school, and it is where we pray,” says Humberto Piaguaje, chief of Ecuador’s Secoya indigenous group, speaking at a …

Fighting Environmental Crime
By Nick Meynen. Over 60 experts working in the field of fighting environmental crimes gathered in Brussels on 3 November for a dialogue with policymakers, police and prosecutors from Europe and …

Some hope from the Pope
Pope Francis recently spoke on the rights of the poor and the need for environmental protection, saying he’s not preaching communism but the Gospel. Francis’ remarks to the World Meeting …

Complaint against CEO of Chevron submitted to ICC
By Nick Meynen. BREAKING NEWS: Julio Prieto, lawyer for 30.000 Ecuadorian victims of Texaco’s environmental liabilities in the Amazon, just filed a complaint at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The …

End Ecocide on Earth
By Nick Meynen. Around 100 scientists, lawmakers, jurists and activists gathered in Brussels on 13 October 2014 for an End Ecocide on Earth conference. Eco-cide derives from the Greek “oikos” …

Business & human rights in Africa: lots of talk, but little action
Only 9% of companies active in Africa say they will change behavior after being confronted with environmental and human rights violations. That’s one conclusion from the report on business and …

The growing debate on degrowth
By Nick Meynen. Why are a record 3000 thinkers gathering from 2 to 6 September in the German city Leipzig to discuss how we can get our economy to degrow? One …

It’s not just drug dealers that need to worry about inspiration Trump took from Duterte
By Nick Meynen.The battle between autocratic leaders and the global movement for environmental justice heats up.Killing drug dealers through the courts, as US President Donald Trump has just proposed, is …
Environmentalism under Fire
By Burag Gurden. Similar writings by Burag Gurden have recently been published in the Ecologist and several other blogs and media. This article refers to all writings by the same …

Book Review: Ecological Economics from the Ground Up
Helen Scharber, School of Critical Social Inquiry, Hampshire College, USA As its title intimates, Ecological Economics from the Ground Up starts with case studies of environmental justice activist struggles, mostly from …

The comptroller Sandra Morelli
By Joan Martinez Alier. The Colombian attorney Sandra Morelli, a woman with a strong personality, is a member of the Colombian establishment. Since September 2014, she doesn’t know whether she’s living a …

Julio Prieto on the epic battle between Ecuador & Chevron
By Nick Meynen. ‘We’re in front of the International Criminal Court now! We’re just about to get in. I’ll let you know when it’s done’. He hung up, went in …

A treaty to stop corporate crimes and impunity
EJOLT supports a worldwide campaign to stop corporate crimes and impunity. Godwin Ojo from EJOLT partner ERA participated in a recent meeting from the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), …

Linking Degrowth to Environmental Justice
For “Scharf-links”, a German online newspaper, Dr. Joachim Spangenberg , co-chair of EJOLT’s steering committee, spoke about the activities of EJOLT and the link between Environmental Justice and Degrowth, looking …

Environmentalists SLAPPed by Voestalpine in Austria
By Andreas Mayer. A strategic lawsuit against public participation (SLAPP) is a lawsuit that is intended to censor, intimidate, and silence critics by burdening them with the cost of a legal …

Historic call from Ecuador and numerous Nation States for the United Nations to implement binding regulations on Transnational Corporations
On Monday, the government of Ecuador – with the support of 8 nations and over 100 social and environmental organisations – made an historic call to the UN to implement …

“Ríos para la vida, no para la muerte – Rivers for Life, not for Death”
By Daniela Del Bene. Noé Vasquez Ortiz was preparing the opening ceremony of the Annual Meeting convened by Mapder (Movimiento Mexicano de Afectados por la Presas en Defensa de los Ríos) …
Access to Justice and Extractive Industries
UPDATE – full video of the event on youtube. On March 13, a panel of international legal and industry experts discuss the fraught world of environmental justice, human rights, minerals and …
The project ENVJUSTICE has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 695446)