Project News

Joan Martinez-Alier wins Balzan Prize
The International Balzan Foundation based in Milan, Italy awarded Joan Martinez Alier, the 2020 Balzan Prize for Environmental Challenges: Responses from the Social Sciences and the Humanities. Joan Martinez Alier received this award, …

Environmental conflicts and defenders: a global view
By Arnim Scheidel, Daniela Del Bene, Juan Liu, Grettel Navas, Sara Mingorría, Federico Demaria, Sofía Avila, Brototi Roy, Irmak Ertör, Leah Temper, Joan Martinez-Alier.A new article by the EnvJustice team at ICTA-UAB, based on …

Your internship with ICTA on the Atlas of Environmental Justice
We offer opportunities for online #internships with our large research project on #EnvironmentalJustice. Interns contribute to an inventory of environmental conflicts called the Atlas of Environmental Justice or #EJAtlas, focusing …

How waste pickers in the global South are being sidelined by new policies
By Nina Clausager, Max Stoisser, Federico Demaria and Marcos Todt. The world is producing more and more waste, with serious health and environmental consequences. In urban areas, domestic waste is accumulating …

Registration now open for Master in Political Ecology, Degrowth and Env. Justice
We are pleased to inform you that the inscription process for the master in Political Ecology, Degrowth and Environmental Justice is now OPEN. You can find more information about the …

Prof. Joan Martinez-Alier wins the First Bina Agarwal Prize for Ecological Economics
The international 2019 Bina Agarwal Prize has been attributed to EnvJustice coordinator Professor Joan Martinez-Alier for his contribution on ecological economics as well as practical work on environmental justice, including …

Save the date: Stay Grounded Conference 12-14th of July 2019 in Barcelona
By Katharina Wiese. The aviation industry is the most climate-harming mode of transport. The total global warming impact of each flight is thought to be around twice as high as only …

EJAtlas reaches 2.700 cases and includes the Brumadinho’s foretold tragedy
The Environmental Justice Atlas ( of ICTA-UAB has reached 2.700 cases in January 2019. One of the most moving and cruel ones, perhaps a crucial conflict case for Latin America, …

A PhD on carbon budget and unburnable fossil fuels reserves.If carbon capture technology does not prove effective and the needed rapid decarbonisation implies that fossil fuels reserves have to be …

Media on the Atlas of Environmental Justice
135 media mentions in 27 countries with a combined reach of over 70 million. That, in sum, is the media attention for the Atlas of Environmental Justice in the first …
General News

Paving the way for the next pandemic
By Brototi Roy and Nick Meynen.The lockdown from one pandemic is being used in India to pave the way for the next, with a controversial plan to clear extremely valuable …
The case for Degrowth in a Time of Pandemic
By Giorgos Kallis, Susan Paulson, Giacomo D’Alisa, and Federico Demaria. We need to build systems capable of scaling back production in ways that do not cause loss of livelihood or …

Coronavirus and the crisis of the Anthropocene
The novel coronavirus pandemic is taking a toll on all of us -especially those who have died, those needing urgent care, and those least able to retreat into their homes …

The true cost of shrimp
By Brototi Roy. Global trade of the luxury commodity that shrimp is ignores the true human and environmental impact.Watching villagers standing waist deep in the brackish water of the Sundarbans …

When degrowth enters the parliament
By Federico Demaria.Can degrowth enter into the Parliaments? How large would its constituency be? What policy proposals shall be put forward? How could a synergy be built between grassroots social …

Buddhist monk killed in resistance to dam project in India
By Joan Martinez-Alier. Public protests against the construction of dams in the Tawang district of Arunachal Pradesh in North East India have been going on for some years. In the whole …

Is there a global environmental justice movement?
By Joan Martinez-Alier, Leah Temper, Daniela Del Bene, Arnim Scheidel Abstract: One of the causes of the increasing number of ecological distribution conflicts around the world is the changing metabolism of the …

Goldman Environmental Prize awards environmental justice heroes
By Nick Meynen. EJOLT collaborators Marc Ona, Silas Siakor and Pablo Fajardo have one thing in common: they once won the prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize. This award helps grassroots environmental …

Budapest hosts key degrowth events in 2016
Between 30 August and 3 September 2016, Budapest will host two parallel, yet complementary events. The 5th International Degrowth Conference will foster discussion between scholars, researchers, civil society and practitioners about …

Summer School on Degrowth and Environmental Justice
ICTA UAB has the pleasure of inviting you to the second edition of the summer school on degrowth offered by ICTA and Research & Degrowth, this year with environmental justice as …

To end ecocide we must end femicide
By Camila Rolando Mazzuca & Brototi Roy. March 8 is World Women Day, but 3 March is another good moment to reflect on the role of women in society. On …

India’s National Alliance of People’s Movement: 20 years of struggle
By Daniela del Bene. From 31st October to the 2nd of November, nearly 1000 delegates of 250 plus social movements and community organisations from 17 States of India gathered in Pune, …

EU plans to cancel environmental policies
By Nick Meynen Translated from the Dutch version. The announcement of the team of president-elect of the European commission Jean-Claude Juncker’s is like a corporate coup and destruction of 25 years of …

A call for solidary with Marco Suástegui
A call for solidarity has arrived from the state of Guerrero, in the South-West of Mexico. One of the leaders of the farmers’ movement Consejo de Ejidos y Comunidades Opositores …

Chilean Patagonia saved from Hidroaysén-madness
By Daniela Del Bene. After 8 years of campaigning under the slogan Patagonia Sin Represas, the Bachelet government in Chile rejected yesterday the Hidroaysén project. The Committee of Ministers, the highest administrative …

Rosia Montana, scene of the IV Forum Against Unnecessary Imposed Mega Projects
By Alfred Burballa Noria. From 8 to 11 May 2014, the municipality of Rosia Montana in the Apuseni Mountains in Western Transylvania, Romania, hosted the fourth edition of the Forum Against …

Supreme Court of India slams the building of megadams
By Nick Meynen and Daniela del Bene. When we wrote “Himalayan dams: goddamned!” last year and reported about the Uttarakhand floods, India’s worst ‘natural’ disaster since the 2004 tsunami (900 deaths, …

Indigenous populations disproportionately hit in environmental conflicts
By Joan Martinez Alier. In the EJOLT Atlas,, which is such a success, we can trace whether indigenous populations are involved or not in the one thousand conflicts we have …

Nayarit communities call for support to scrap destructive water management schemes
By Daniela Del Bene. Canal Costa de Oro, also known as “Canal Centenario”, is one of the most ambitious and strategic water management projects of the Government of Nayarit, Mexico. It …

Medha Patkar and India’s environmental justice party
By Joan Martinez-Alier. Since the 1980s, Medha Patkar has been one of the top environmental activists from India, engaging initially with the Narmada Bachao Andolan against dams (movement to save the …

2019 Environmental Justice Conference in the UK
The University of East Anglia invites you to the 2019 Environmental Justice Conference ‘Transformative Connections’ to be held at University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK, 2 July – 4 July 2019. The conference is …

A Summer School on Degrowth and Environmental Justice
Making sense by democracy, non-violence, and convivialityJune 24th – July 6th July 2018Barcelona (Spain)/Cerbère (France)The world we see today around us seems increasingly reactionary and conservative. The rise of right …

Opportunities for European policy makers towards Environmental Justice
REGISTRATION is now OPEN for the final events of the EJOLT project on 2 and 3 March: a PUBLIC HEARING in the European Parliament, a CONFERENCE in the European Economic …

Environmental justice in the EU and beyond
Save the date for an environmental justice conference & debate in Brussels where EJOLT will launch the Atlas of Environmental Justice, on 19 March. CLICK HERE to make your registration As global …

Summer course on socially sustainable degrowth (Barcelona, Spain)
Adapting to the times of crisis: an advanced course on socially sustainable degrowth Amidst calls for restoring growth as a path out of the crisis, the intellectual and political …

EJOLT unites leading legal experts and Environmental Justice activists in Rome
By Lucie Greyl Marking an important mid-term milestone, the EJOLT project has chosen Italy, an emblematic country for its environmental conflicts known worldwide, as the next location of the annual meeting. …
The project ENVJUSTICE has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 695446)